
Trial Offer

Try us on for size with our 30+30 day trial and we’ll waive our fees.

Our free trial has no out-of-pocket costs and consists of a simple utility invoice audit. If we find your community any credits or savings, we then charge 25% for the funds saved or awarded, and the remaining credit or savings is paid out to the community. If no credits or savings are found during our audit your community doesn’t pay a dime.

What will we provide in the first 30 days?

We will provide you with our eco-friendly billing services to show you how easy and painless it can be with Performance as your partner.

We provide extensive reports, listed below, to inform you of what is billed to your residents and your community.

  • Pre-Bill Report in Excel form consisting of a break down of how and what the residents are billed.
  • Simple Invoice Report in PDF form showing a break down of what each resident will pay.
  • A Compliance Report in PDF form including deltas, common area utility charges, total bill to residents, and total bill to the community.
Fill out this quick form to start your 30+30 day free trial.


15 + 15 =

Check out our case studies or learn more about us to help with your decision.

What is 30+30?



We will do an initial free trial for a 30 day period and if you sign with Performance your next 30 days as a customer will be free as well.

What if I have under 100 units?

You are still eligible to receive the 30+30 day free trial. After the 60 days pass a $50 monthly admin fee will be charged.

What should I prepare to start my free trial?
  • Name, address, and phone number of community
  • Community point of contact
  • Management software
  • Community unit count
  • Copy of lease used at the community
  • Existing utility provider names
  • Copy of latest utility invoices (30 days)

How many free trials can I get?


Only one free trial will be provided per property owner or property management company.

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